Locals Celebrated Europe Day on Punts

What is Europe Day?

Europe Day, held on 9th May each year, celebrates peace and unity among the countries of Europe.

The date marks the anniversary of the Schuman declaration‘, presented by French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman in 1950, which proposed the creation of the European Coal and Steel Community, the forerunner to the European Union.


EU institutions open their doors to the public anually  this day, where people are welcomed to participate in visits, debates, concerts and other events in order to mark the day and raise awareness about the EU. Different countries of Europe celebrate the 9th of May as a public holiday organising entertaining games and events outdoors, for example language classes, puzzles, quizzes and picnics.


Europe Day in Cambridge

This year, members of the Cambridge University European Society and locals saluted the special day with waving flags of all the EU member states on the Cambridge bridges at Garret Hostel Lane and Silver Street as punts passed beneath.


The celebration is not over yet – Europe Day Picnic will take place at Jesus Green from 1pm until 4pm on Sunday 13th May.

If you would like to celebrate Europe Day with us, book your punting tour tickets here.



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